Frequently Asked Questions


How does Bassett Events provide such valuable services at no cost? 

After your event has concluded, Bassett Events receives compensation from the hotel for bringing them your business. We research and work with a variety of hotels, resorts, and vendor companies that want your group at their location. Our savy negotiating skills work in your favor. All vendors we contact provide us their best rates and perks to be considered for your event. We are not affiliated with any specific hotel or chain, so our compensation never compromises your rates.

What qualifies my group for your free services? 

Our free services are available to any client planning a meeting, event, or conference requiring at least 10 hotel rooms for one or more nights.

What’s the catch? 

No catch! Contact Bassett Events and allow us to go to work on your group's next venue. It's that simple! Our talented, professional staff has experience, knowledge, and expertise in a variety of event planning and hospitality industries.

What’s in it for me and my group? 

Our primary objective is to relieve you of the stress, time, and effort associated with the overall planning process. Let us manage your essential planning stages: the vital site selection process and those crucial contract negotiations. Delegating these significant, time consuming tasks to Bassett Events lets you work and stress less, while accomplishing more. We focus on the important details to achieve the event you desire within the budget you require. We establish the framework necessary for you to have a successful and memorable event. Now what could be better than that?

My time frame is tight. How quickly can you provide your services?

As quickly as you can contact Bassett Events and put us to work for you. Give us your details and deadline and we get you results! We've helped clients secure events on very short turnarounds.